Heitkamp Industrial Solutions GmbH

Christopher Hambleton

Atilla Kemal Saglam

Onur Ulu

Vural Ekinci
The construction industry on the road to CO₂-neutrality
Innovation and Partnership
The construction industry faces a pressing challenge: it is responsible for a high proportion of CO₂ emissions worldwide. Acknowledging this reality, finding solutions, and implementing them will not be easy. Yet, we now have one of the best opportunities to actively address climate change and shape a better future. Heitkamp Industrial Solutions has set itself precisely this goal - as part of the internationally active Rönesans Group.
Achieving this goal requires not only new technologies, but also a fundamental change in our approach. We need to conserve resources, become independent of critical raw materials, and develop innovative ways of working. This is an ambitious undertaking that cannot be implemented overnight in a technologically conservative industry. It requires a joint effort from all of us working in this industry. We must walk this path together to be successful.
In this crucial phase, Heitkamp Industrial Solutions is ready to support the construction industry on its path to sustainability. Our focus is on high-quality project management in the industrial construction sector to enable environmentally friendly and economically profitable construction projects.
We are your partner for forward-looking projects where ecological and economic aspects go hand in hand. Together we can transform the construction industry and actively contribute to supporting sustainability and climate change.