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Step by step to the green combined heat and power plant with new turbine

The first important milestone for the customer, SWB Energie und Wasser – Stadtwerke-Bonn, was met on time by Heitkamp Industrial Solutions. The detailed coordinated schedule with all subcontractors and supplies was implemented at the construction site. The installation of the generator and the gas turbine was successfully carried out on 29.08.2022 and 30.08.2022.

The transport of the turbine and the generator by ship took place in the 34th calendar week, followed by loading and transport to the site. The SGT-750 generator has now found its place in the new nacelle, as has the new turbine.

Due to the tight space conditions and limited assembly opening, an electronically multi-directional module transporter was used for the transport. In the presence of the client and Siemens, the 120-tonne turbine was moved into the nacelle on the GT foundation in just a few hours and was successfully set down. All parties involved were very satisfied with the course of the quite complex installation.

Stadtwerke-Bonn – SWB Energie und Wasser

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Our company is looking back on a successful building tradition since 1892. Heitkamp stands for the optimal interaction of engineering know-how and constructional realisation.


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Bonsiepen 9 -11
45136 Essen, Germany

+49 (0) 201 / 8 36 90 - 0

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