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Windmill Factory Cuxhafen

Turnkey Project Industrial Building incl. substructure and ground works. The facility includes a production hall with office, canteen, reception, 6 no’s overhead cranes with a capacity of 500 ton each and all necessary infrastructures.

Production hall: 52,000 m²
L=330 m, W=156 m (3 sections), H=30 m

Crane beam head 20 m

Structural steel 14,000 tons
(structure 10,000 tons and overhead crane beams 4,000 tons)

About us

Our company is looking back on a successful building tradition since 1892. Heitkamp stands for the optimal interaction of engineering know-how and constructional realisation.


Industrial Solutions GmbH
Bonsiepen 9 -11
45136 Essen, Germany

+49 (0) 201 / 8 36 90 - 0

+49 (0) 201 / 8 36 90 -199


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